A few weeks ago I was visiting some very dear friends in Wisconsin. One of them was Todd, and aside from being a techy-geek (very much like myself) he has two skills that I doubt I will ever have.
1. He is a serious sysAdmin. You name the platform and he will make your app run on it.
2. He used to be a fairly strong Anti-Mormon.
We were talking about religion and Anti's and I asked a serious question. I never understood how some folks will try to hurt us or make fun of us by saying that Mormons believe that Jesus and Satan are brothers!
pause again....
nope... I never got that one. Really... Think about reading in
Isaiah14:12 How art thou afallen from bheaven, O cLucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the dnations!
In Revelations - 12
Both of those are NON Mormon unique scriptures... all Christianity believes in it (or they should...).
So, I think to myself... "What's the problem? Satan was our brother, he rebelled, he was cast out, he runs around on Earth making things rough for us to hurt/spite Father. What's everyone griping about?"
They don't really think that the evil Satan was running around in heaven and Father mostly ignored it, then finally had enough and cast him down the earth.... do they? Or do they imagine that he was in heaven hiding from God and then simply got caught by the Heavenly Police?
When asking my buddy about this he offered an interesting point of view... He said... You have to understand that others (other religions) look at the different levels of beings as permanent. God is here (very high up on the org chart), Angels are here (think middle management) lower orders of angels are here (bottom of the chart) and we are humans, destined to sing to god for all eternity.... We are the lower peons...
Still not getting it, I said, so we are not brothers and sisters? Todd said... "Think Bears and Squirrels" Different animals all together. Angles don't progress (apparently neither do men...). To say that Jesus (super awesome God) had anything to do with evil wicked, nasty Lucifer... it's heresy. They were two different types of things, they couldn't have been related.
Ah, this seems to make more sense... Jesus was God before he was born, and perfect and unchangeable. Ah, so he didn't need to progress, we didn't exist in that world (do you remember it... I don't..) and Lucifer, simply started causing trouble so the all powerful God thrust him out. So now saying that Jesus and Satan are brothers, elevates Satan and reduces the pre-eminence of Jesus.... I see... (I don't believe it.. but I see why others would)
In our view, we were all getting ready to come to Earth. We all needed it. (You, me, the next door neighbor, Jesus, Lucifer...) We had to gain a body and get experience that we couldn't otherwise get. By understanding the concept of progression (heretical, I know...) we then understand the fall much better. This is where the Temple really shines...
Nothing is made more clear in the temple than the Fathers entire focus and desire to get us to come home to him, to protect us from Satan and his tricks and to help us be safe forever with Him. There are things WE must do, but there are things he has set up as well, and working together we can make it happen. And to someday ...sit down, and go no more out.
Thanks Todd, I will never look at bears and squires again, with out being grateful that I know we are not so different from our Heavenly Father that loves us.
You know, I never really thought of having once been "a fairly strong Anti-Mormon" as a skill. It feels more like a chronic illness that I was finally cured of. Anyway, good stuff. I had forgotten about that particular conversation. I really miss those since you guys moved. It's not easy to find someone who wants to talk about some of those things (at least in any real detail). It was great to see all of you again.
I got caught up on your blog. I think you should lobby for the seminary teacher calling--oh and if you ever decide to quit your day job, you would make a good religion professor at the Y. Seriously--you have some deep insights and always make me think a little harder and want to be a better person. I thank you for that.
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